We Believe
We Believe:
…in the Christian Bible, inspired by God, as the absolute and final authority for truth and salvation. All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished in all good works. II Timothy 3:16-17
…in the one true and living God, manifested as the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. He is revealed as the Father in creation; the Son in redemption and the Holy Ghost in regeneration and continual emanation. The One God, Jehovah, of the Old Testament manifested Himself in flesh as Jesus Christ of the New Testament.
…in the sinfulness of mankind inherited through the disobedience of the first man, Adam. We believe that man was made in the image of God and is the pinnacle of all His creation. We became, by reason of “the fall” spiritually alienated from our Creator. Apart from God’s grace we have no ability to attain God’s righteousness except through faith in Jesus Christ.
…in the virgin birth, sinless and miracle-performing life, vicarious atoning death on the cross for the sins of all mankind, burial and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ for our justification. He now reigns in glory until all things be put under His feet.
…in proclaiming all the following Early Church experiences as representative of the common salvation found in the New Testament, as normal and valid for today, including and not excluding:
•Justification by grace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary.
•Receiving Jesus Christ as Savior, and calling on the name of the Lord.
•Confessing the Lord Jesus, believing God miraculously raised Him from the dead.
•Repentance, as shown by a changed mind and life.
•Water baptism by immersion, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins for all repentant believers.
•Being filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, as the Spirit enables, as an endowment of power from on high to be Christ’s witnesses.
…in the local and universal church, regardless of ethnicity, united as the Body of Christ. Also, the identity of the Body of Christ on the earth is primarily perceived through the local Church. While encouraging the voluntary association of local Churches, we strongly confess the local Church to be sovereign and autonomous.
…in the priesthood of the believer: all people born of God have equal status in Christ before God and direct access to their Lord.
…in all the supernatural gifts of the Spirit actively functioning, as God wills, in the Christian church today. We believe that the development of these gifts ought to be encouraged under the guidance of local authorities in the Church.
…in the callings of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher as functional within the Body of Christ until the Lord’s return. Furthermore, these ministries are gifts to the Church for the purpose of equipping the saints for the work of the ministry; that the Body of Christ may be edified.
…in supporting ministers and ministries with appreciation, respect, tithes and offerings.
…in the active work of the Spirit producing spiritual fruit, and continual growth, in Christ as necessary aspects of the Christian experience.
…in holiness, in actions and attitudes, by separating ourselves from evil unto the Lord. We believe that those who are called by the name of Jesus Christ should depart from iniquity, understanding that salvation from the penalty of sin only begins the process of redemption. We affirm that one of the primary works of the Holy Ghost is to create in us the character of the Lord Jesus Christ.
…in the commands of Christ and His Apostles to love, forgive and care for one another.
…in the sanctity of marriage and family; with husbands loving their wives as Christ loved the Church and wives being subject to their own husbands..as well as children obeying their parents, and parents nurturing their children in the Lord.
…in practicing genuine Christianity by serving God, and people, in meaningful ways with good works.
…in confessing our sins to God, as imperfect Christians, for forgiveness and cleansing.
…in merciful and graceful discipline by the church in correcting and restoring wayward Christians and repentant Christian leaders.
…in the regular gathering of God’s people in the local congregation and other gatherings for heartfelt prayer, expressive praise, biblical teaching, preaching and fellowship.
…in sharing bread and wine, “Communion” to remember Christ’s body and blood.
…in spreading the Gospel to the entire world and the restoration of authentic Christianity.
…in the return of Jesus, when the dead and living in Christ will rise to meet Him in the air; in the literal second coming and rule of Christ upon the earth; in the final judgment, when all people shall receive their just reward in Heaven or Hell, and in the ultimate triumph of righteousness, when faithful believers shall inherit eternal life.